September 27–29, 2024
Our big event every fall semester is our weekend-long Fall Getaway. Come join hundreds of Cru students from Cornell and other schools in New York as we get away from campus to meet God in community. In between main sessions of teaching and singing, you’ll have opportunity to play games and sports, connect with old and new friends, and even do some homework if you really need to.
When? — We leave Friday afternoon, 9/27, and come back after lunch on Sunday, 9/29.
Where? — Montrose Bible Conference, Montrose, PA
How much? — $40 for first timers (use promo code 40TOTAL), $109 for returning students. It covers your housing, meals and snacks, sessions learning from our speaker, and a weekend with friends.
Registration deadline?​ — Registration closes at noon on Thursday, September 26.
The week before Fall Getaway, we will send out a form asking about pick-up times and locations. Cars will be leaving throughout the afternoon, including around dinner time. Plan to eat before you arrive at camp, as the first meal provided is breakfast.
After classes are over on Friday! Most people will leave around 5 PM or so. Some might leave a bit earlier or later, depending on availability.
Something special happens when you get away from campus. There are a hundred distractions here, pulling you in every direction. And those same hundred distractions hit you every single weekend. But by getting out, you step into a space where you can focus and engage in a way that you can't when you're on campus. By getting away, you get a different and unique experience — a marker or a pillar in the midst of a busy semester; an anchor or stabilizing point in the midst of the storm of Cornell.
You are getting away to meet God. The God of the universe — who made planets and atoms and eyes and ears and fish and eagles and friendship and compassion and community — that God is going to speak to us. The God who sent Jesus to rescue you from your rebellion and forgive your sins by dying your death and giving you glorious, abundant life with him — that God is who we are going to sing about and learn about and pray to. If Cornell is starting to get to you — get you depressed, get you distracted, get you busy — what you need is time with God; lots of time with God. That's what retreat is all about.
You are getting away to meet God in community. The whole weekend is designed to go deeper. To take steps. Strangers become friends; friends become good friends. You'll be with your CG (or maybe you'll find a CG!). You're in this together — singing, learning, praying, dancing, laughing, eating, playing. If you reflect on your life and your friends, you'll see that many of your close friendships were deepened as you did a lot of stuff together. Fall Getaway is a great opportunity to do a lot of stuff together.
Something special happens when you step out in faith. Fall Getaway is an opportunity to trust God. To trust God to carry you through the busyness of assignments and prelims, while taking a weekend away. To trust God to connect you with people, if you come in not really knowing anyone. To trust God to provide the funding. To trust God as you talk to parents and explain a choice they might not agree with. To trust God, who may seem far off, to meet you there. To trust God that it will be worth your time. We want to encourage you to step out in faith and prayer, count the cost, and come with us!